Hiring and Retention

If you’re struggling to find qualified teacher applicants for your child care center and worry that your current teachers will leave, then this message is for YOU!

You need a better hiring and retention plan in place that will help you find those great teachers and keep them.

Stresses we are all feeling:

  • You are stressed from the past 18 months
  • You are overwhelmed with trying to find new teachers
  • You are struggling to find anyone to apply for your ads
  • You are struggling with getting teachers to return to work
  • Your team is working longer hours and they are overwhelmed
  • You worry you are going to lose the great teachers you have now
  • You are in the classroom more than the office, covering for lack of staff
  • You are doing everything you can to make sure the teachers you have know how grateful you are
  • You have no time to figure out a hiring and retention plan
  • You are all getting burnt out

If you just sit by like many employers, and do nothing about this hiring crisis, it will just get worse.

When facing a lack of qualified candidates, most directors simply post a job ad on a hiring platform and wait to see who applies.

You KNOW that is not working.  The candidates are few and far between.

While most child care center directors post job ads for their centers’ needs, it doesn’t always communicate the benefits of working for your center.  It’s not about the candidate looking at it.  It’s more about you.  And, when you don’t have a complete retention plan in place, that can result in teachers not truly feeling valued.  But, we really do value them.

And what happens when directors don’t change their hiring and retention approach?   The struggle continues.

This struggle is playing out at centers all over the country.

Our partner ScribbleTime has created a system that they have used for the past 17 school years to find and retain  rockstars, even during a pandemic!

Proof it works:

  • 75% of her staff have been on her team for 9 plus years 
  • Potential hires find her, even without a job ad
  • Her employees feel supported, praise the positive work environment, AND feel valued.  She frequently received text messages of kindness by my teachers.

Access hiring and retention resources here.


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